18 June 2010

Newcastle in four movements

The English Defence League (EDL) was planning a march and rally in Newcastle Upon Tyne and there was also going to be three opposing groups in the city that day too. I’d become aware of EDL through the media and on websites like Youtube so I decided I’d have a look for myself to see what they were like close up.

17 June 2010

What was all that about? EDL in Newcastle.

In this second part, Buzzkill describes what he thought about the EDL demo and the anti-EDL protests.


Right, let’s get this out the way. Whenever there is a ‘fight’ between two groups the numbers thrown about are always over the top. Some EDL supporters claimed to have had over two thousand people in Newcastle while UAF had 500. UAF, on the other hand, claimed they had a thousand and EDL only had 700. The local media tended to have the figures even, if a little inflated.

16 June 2010

Coming up soon...

Coming up soon (promise!) I've got two massive articles with photos written by my best (and so far ONLY) contributor; BuzzKill. They are about the English Defence League's recent march in Newcastle Upon Tyne in the UK. Buzz tries to cut through the crap to give an accurate description of the day and, in the second article, an attempt at analysis.

I will also have my own piece about the BNP's results in the 2010 UK elections, focusing on one particular area.

I beat you can hardly wait. Well, sorry for the delay but there is a world cup on y'know!


14 June 2010

Post number two - still saying nothing.

Yeah well, I'm almost ready to go. Just not a technical type so just give me a moment...