28 November 2010

The Master Race - all four of them.

Here they are, the master race with their no-frills, anti-immigration banner and one, solitary 'Poundland' England flag (reduced to the post-world cup price of 50p).

These four Aryan Warriors from the National Front were 'keeping it real' by protesting an anti-racism rally being held by about 70 people in Newcastle Upon Tyne.

First, they hid behind the base of Grey's Monument, where my faithful snapper 'Buzzkill' caught the pictures above, before moving twenty yards away across the road near the Monument Mall shopping centre. There they dazzled the handful of curios shoppers with the argument that "immigration is racist" before being ignored by everyone.

Dear me, lads, hard times eh? Those rotters at the EDL seem to have stolen your thunder and the few supporters you had left!

24 November 2010

If the kids are united the old farts should be delighted!

I have been following the updates on the media today and it is really heartening that young people are doing something about their situation and aren't necessarily waiting for permission to do so from anyone in authority.

In the internet world, the person who has the most time and can type the fastest ends up getting the most exposure and this can often give a skewed view of reality. The student activities of late are a good example of this.

On the forums and websites of the media and the lefties, the doom-mongers and the negative defeatists seem to be in the majority for too much of the time. The students and school kids have overturned this pessimistic web-view of the political landscape and have clearly shown that people are pissed-off and, most importantly, are looking to do something about it.

It should go without saying that yes, there are questions about the effectiveness of the tactics shown so far but this is where the miserable old farts who have given up on life should get themselves off their bloated arses and engage with the real world! Share your knowledge and experiences instead of waiting for the kids to fail so you can say 'told you so' you miserable cunts.

19 November 2010

BBC News - English Defence League demos 'feed Islamic extremism'

BBC News - English Defence League demos 'feed Islamic extremism'

Right wing groups like the English Defence League are turning parts of Britain into recruiting grounds for Islamic extremists, police have said.

The EDL emerged last year and has held demonstrations in a number of towns and cities against radicalisation.

But the West Midlands Counter Terrorism Unit has told BBC Radio 5 live there is evidence EDL events can encourage extremists.

27 August 2010

Anti-Fascist by Martin Lux

My friend and lone contributor (so far, hint hint) Buzzkill writes:

"I picked this up at a book fair and was so hooked I couldn't put it down. OK, it's not the longest book at only 95 pages but if you're after an account of militant anti-fascism in London during the 1970s, I don't know where else you will find it apart from this book.

15 August 2010

Hooray! Death Dealers move to Sunderland!

Here's a report from earlier in the year when BAE moved their Birtley plant up to an industrial estate in Washington. I think this came from the local paper The Sunderland Echo. It is unsurprising that the politically unsophisticated Echo made nothing but positive noises about this and the idea that arms manufacture might not be a good idea never entered the equation.

Lou Mariboff on smoking

Lou Mariboff briefly talks about the urge to smoke in his book "The Big Questions".

"Maybe there's another reason why people smoke. At bottom, it's a spiritual reason. People smoke cigarettes in order to sense their breath. When you inhale a cigarette, you really feel the smoke (and therefore the breath) entering your airways and lungs; when you exhale, you can both feel and see the smoke (and therefore the breath) exiting your lungs and airways. Breathing is the basic fact of your life: It's the first thing you started doing when you were born and drawing your last breath will be your final act in this life. The breath and the spirit are intimately related. By learning to breath correctly, your bring your body and mind under control. Then, and only then, can your spiritual energy manifest fully. So people are right to want to feel their breathing, but you need to learn helpful rather than harmful ways of doing so. You can't fill a spiritual void with smoke any more than with cheeseburgers."

Lou Marinoff, The Big Questions.

11 August 2010

Political Groups in Italian Football Hooligans.

I had this email forwarded to me about the political allegiances within the Italian football hooligan scene. Anyone want to do one for the UK? Should be pretty easy as, according to the writers of Casuals United blog, all football hooligans are right-wing nationalist feminists who support Israel!!

27 July 2010

Labour - old or new it still stinks!

Here's a great article illustrating one of the many ways Labour is an anti-working class party. Yes, I hate the Con-Dems too but there is no way we should let Labour off the hook!

18 June 2010

Newcastle in four movements

The English Defence League (EDL) was planning a march and rally in Newcastle Upon Tyne and there was also going to be three opposing groups in the city that day too. I’d become aware of EDL through the media and on websites like Youtube so I decided I’d have a look for myself to see what they were like close up.

17 June 2010

What was all that about? EDL in Newcastle.

In this second part, Buzzkill describes what he thought about the EDL demo and the anti-EDL protests.


Right, let’s get this out the way. Whenever there is a ‘fight’ between two groups the numbers thrown about are always over the top. Some EDL supporters claimed to have had over two thousand people in Newcastle while UAF had 500. UAF, on the other hand, claimed they had a thousand and EDL only had 700. The local media tended to have the figures even, if a little inflated.

16 June 2010

Coming up soon...

Coming up soon (promise!) I've got two massive articles with photos written by my best (and so far ONLY) contributor; BuzzKill. They are about the English Defence League's recent march in Newcastle Upon Tyne in the UK. Buzz tries to cut through the crap to give an accurate description of the day and, in the second article, an attempt at analysis.

I will also have my own piece about the BNP's results in the 2010 UK elections, focusing on one particular area.

I beat you can hardly wait. Well, sorry for the delay but there is a world cup on y'know!


14 June 2010

Post number two - still saying nothing.

Yeah well, I'm almost ready to go. Just not a technical type so just give me a moment...